Ever wonder where egg dying and the Easter Bunny come from? Here's some Easter history!

The holiday known as Easter takes place during the first Sunday after a full moon after the vernal equinox, according to nationaldaycalendar.com.

The holiday has major roots in Christianity, but more modern celebrations have come to surround the holiday.

Before Easter was a thing, Christians celebrated the Passover.

The two holidays are closely related since Jesus’ Last Supper was a Passover meal.

The second-century Orthodox Christians celebrated Pascha A.K.A. Easter, Passover, and the Pagan Spring Festival.

Easter is considered to be the most important holy day for Christians.

It celebrates the resurrection of Jesus.

Prior to Easter, Christians celebrate the season of Lent which is a time for fasting and reflecting.

The season begins with Ash Wednesday, and it represents the 40 days Jesus spent in the wilderness.

As a sign of reflecting and fasting, a lot of people will give something up – i.e. soda, candy, donate old clothes ETC.

The week leading up to Easter is known as Holy Week, and almost every one of those days represents a major part of Jesus’ death.

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The Sunday before Easter starts the week.

  • That day is known as Palm Sunday, and it represents when Jesus arrived in Jerusalem on a donkey. Christians will receive a palm leaf during church services that represents this event.
  • Holy Monday remembers when Jesus cursed the fig tree and cleansed the temple.
  • Holy Tuesday Jesus predicted his own death as it says in the Book of John.
  • Spy Wednesday is when Jesus’ disciple, Judas, sets in motion his plan to betray Jesus.
  • Maundy Thursday is the day Jesus ate the Last Supper with his disciples.
  • Good Friday is the day Jesus was crucified and died.
  • Holy Saturday marks the time between his death and his resurrection. A lot of churches will not hold services on this day in preparation for Easter.
  • Easter Sunday marks Jesus’ resurrection.

Fun fact about Palm Sunday: The leftover palms are burned, their ashes are used for the next year’s Ash Wednesday.

Ever wonder where egg dying and the Easter Bunny come from? Here's some Easter history!

Egg dying has been around for thousands of years, and it has been done by numerous cultures.

The tradition of the Easter Egg comes from the symbolism behind eggs.

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They symbolize fertility, rebirth, and moving forward in life which sums up the Easter holiday perfectly.

The Easter Bunny got its roots in Medieval Germany.

The Osterhase or Easter Hare would put colorfully decorated eggs in nests that the children had made.

Immigrants brought this fable and tradition to the United States in the 18th Century to Dutch Pennsylvania.



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