Elon Musk

Elon Musk has been declared “Man of the Year” by the time 2021. Describing Elon Musk, Time magazine said: “The richest man in the world has no house and recently sold his fortune.”

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“He throws satellites into orbit and binds the Sun; he drives a gas-powered car he’s built and doesn’t need a driver. The stock market goes up or dies in the blink of an eye.” Elon Musk also likes to tweet his poop,” Time said.

A Time reports: “This is a man who wants to save our planet and find a new one to live in: Joker, Genius, Adlord, Visionary, Industrialist, Exhibit, Cade; Thomas Edison, PT. Barnum, the crazy hybrid of Andrew Carnegie and the Doctor of Watchmen Manhattan, the god of man in blue, who invented electric cars and went to Mars.

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The CEO of Tesla and SpaceX and the richest man in the world has always been a key figure in the news as he and his businesses continue to plan for the future of automotive and space travel.

His first rocket company, SpaceX, has joined Boeing and others to become the future owner of American space travel. Musk has made him the richest private citizen in history, worth more than $250 billion, at least on paper. in,” Time said.

As Time magazine reports, “He is a fan of robots and solar, cryptocurrency and climate, the installation of computer systems to avoid the risks of artificial intelligence, and underground tunnels to transport people and goods at high speeds.”


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